Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Fix the system, Not the Women

An equal world is a better place to live in. It promotes rise in economy, healthier communities and a stronger business.

Even today many people believe in myths regarding women inefficiently handling situations. Such as- they lack in confidence, lack in ambition, must handle more work at home rather than in office, they opt out of big roles and that there isn’t enough women representation.

Workplaces must develop policies and programmes that support women as mothers and men as fathers with sufficient paid maternity and paternity leaves. The organization must not think that maternity leave is a career inflection point that only affects women.

Big businesses must focus on making a fair pay the minimum standard and income equality the new priority. They must also hold a 50:50 representation at each level in the organization. Thus giving women a fair pay and fair chance to perform and prove themselves.

Female leaders of Germany, Finland, New Zealand, Denmark, Norway, Taiwan and Iceland are far better in effectively managing the Coronavirus pandemic than the other male leaders across the globe.
So the focus must be laid on fixing the system and not the women. 

Some tips for women to maintain work- life balance:
  1. Don’t be guilt struck when unable to manage the personal and professional life at the same time.
  2.  Sort out your priorities.
  3.  Draw a line between personal and professional life.
  4. Talk out your difficulties with your employers
  5.  Learn to delegate the work.
  6. Stay connected with your loved ones during the day.
  7. Take out some time for yourself.